Innovate Through Emerging Tech
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Innovate Through Emerging Tech

Responding to this year’s World Innovation Day, Binance accompanies Saigon Hub and Ho Chi Minh City Information Technology Association – HCA , with leaders from many fields from many fields discussing practical applications from innovative technologies. new technologies and how they will shape Vietnam’s innovation progress in the future with the main theme ” Innovate Through Emerging Tech “.

With the goal of connecting with prominent leaders in pioneering fields such as Blockchain , Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) , this event will introduce the latest advances in the space. technology and discuss together how to shape the future of Vietnam’s innovation landscape.

Taking place on April 19, 2024 at Lotte Hotel, HCM – the event gathered leaders and top speakers from all fields, widely attracting more than 500 participants, receiving great support. special interest from the group of young students. With the main theme revolving around Innovation and Technology for Vietnam in the current context, the event focused deeply on key discussion topics, introducing perspectives and issues identified by experts. as well as at the same time share useful information with the attending audience.

  • Connecting leaders: We bring together prominent leaders from diverse fields in Blockchain, AI and IoT to discuss and provide perspectives on the topics of most interest.
  • Discover outstanding technology: Bringing you the most advanced updates of the technology world as well as its potential impact on Vietnam’s innovation journey.
  • Cross-industry applications: Let’s discuss how these emerging technologies can be widely applied to many necessary fields. Participate directly to discuss and listen about the role of technology on the path of innovation and social change.
  • Networking opportunities: Networking sessions will be a great opportunity for you to meet and interact with experts, potential partners as well as exciting individuals working in the field.
  • Share & Inspire: We hope the discussion sessions and useful sharing can inspire everyone, promote innovation and join hands to promote positive change and growth.

The event kicked off with the first sharing by Mr. Tran Phuc Hong – CEO of TMA Innovation, through Keynote: Process of Applying AI in Business. He commented that businesses often try to delay the application of new technologies for the main reasons of not being able to arrange capital and not having enough human resources.

He believes that businesses must first have a data strategy, and at the same time, businesses need to choose to apply AI when they have a ready data infrastructure, the cost is appropriate and helps solve business problems. . However, it should be noted that data strategy must come before AI strategy and businesses need to ask consulting organizations to choose AI solutions that suit their business needs.

Following Mr. Tran Phuc Hong’s sharing, the event was followed by a sharing about Blockchain and Blockchain applications by Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh – Senior Program Manager, RMIT University Vietnam. The doctor shared in a very detailed and easy-to-understand way about one of the most outstanding technologies of our time, with easy-to-understand evidence and illustrations, especially for young guests, students.

Continuing the program, Dr. Le Khanh Duy – Head of the Human-Computer Interaction Research Group, University of Natural Sciences had a quite interesting sharing about IOT: Optimizing user experience in the digital age. digital. According to Dr. Le Khanh Duy, new technologies such as GenAI, blockchain, and IoT are blowing new breeze into Vietnam’s innovation ecosystem. While AI is a tool to help optimize productivity and can act as an assistant and provide suggestions, blockchain can solve the most important problem of today’s society, which is the problem of trust and transparency. White.

Each speaker’s sharing brought many interesting perspectives and very useful information that was enthusiastically received by the event’s audience, especially young students. Closing the first three impressive keynote sessions of the program, the event transitioned to a discussion session, where many speakers and leaders joined in to discuss topics of interest.

The first discussion session – Exploring new technology in the public and private sectors for the future economy, we have the presence of Mr. Vu Anh Tuan, Secretary General – Ho Chi Minh City Computer Association (HCA), Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong – Deputy Chief of the Ministry Office – Director of the Southern Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Dr. Tran Viet Huan – CTO – Son Kim Group & President – CIO Vietnam, Ms. Lynn Hoang – Director Binance Country, Mr. Tran Phuc Hong – CEO of TMA Innovation, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh – Senior Program Manager, RMIT University Vietnam and Dr. Le Khanh Duy – Head of Human-Computer Interaction Research Group , University of Natural Sciences

In this discussion session, Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong – Deputy Chief of the Ministry Office – Director of the Southern Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, in 2023, Vietnam will be ranked 46/132 countries, according to the Department of Science and Technology. World Intellectual Property (WIPO) announced in the Global Innovation Index Report (Global Innovation Index 2023 – GII). Vietnam is one of the 7 middle-income countries that have made the most progress in innovation over the past decade.

“We have the advantage of young, highly regarded human resources. This is one of the important factors and the country’s potential to promote innovation. In addition, the country’s openness also reached a high level in the region, deep integration helps us have a fast-growing innovation ecosystem,” Mr. Cuong commented.

In addition to the presence of leading speakers in the field, the event also attracted many young faces – those of the next generation and also individuals who will apply technological advances in the industry. future to attend.

The topics of human resources, training and important question marks in this field in the context of the balance between technology and policy still not clearly defined were also enthusiastically discussed by the speakers and young people in attendance.

In the next discussion session, the event brought an equally important topic – Women in Technology: Pioneering Paths and Challenges. This discussion session includes typical female guests such as: Ms. Giang Pham – Co-founder & CXO – Genetica, Ms. Quyen Nguyen – ShareWork CEO & National Director of Women in Tech, Ms. Le Thi Be Ba – Deputy Director Director of Saigon Innovation Hub, Ms. Huong Tran – Ventures Partner – Monk’s Hill Ventures and Ms. Lynn Hoang – Country Director of Binance, the discussion session was led by Mr. Roy Nguyen, Founder FinHome, Co-Founder PropTech Vietnam Network.

After three sharing sessions and two discussion sessions at the Vietnam Technology Day: Innovate Through Emerging Tech event, we organized a giveaway activity to spread a more exciting atmosphere for the event, giving the guests gifts of Special exclusive Binance items.

The Giveaway activity closed the extremely meaningful and effective conference. We hope the upcoming speakers and guests interested in the field of Technology and Innovation for Vietnam had quality time and useful information.

The Binance team also thanks our partners Saigon Hub and Ho Chi Minh City Information Technology Association – HCA, speakers, and leaders for joining us in this meaningful conference event!

Below are some other pictures at the Vietnam Technology Day event

See you on another occasion in the near future!

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